Hello everyone. Thank you so much for visiting the Nirodium project. After 4 years of research, development, trial and error, I'm happy to present a final product that I hope the public will enjoy. This project is not managed or financed by large corporations or venture capital. Instead, this was crafted in living rooms, kitchens, and garages of talented individuals that desire to make a contribution to the evolution of virtual currencies. My name is Logan and I produce, direct, and support the Nirodium project. The objective of this project is to further educate, demonstrate, and encourage real utilization of virtual currencies. We're living in a unique period of human history where people have the opportunity to choose what money is. It's imperative for everyone to engage with this process and cast a ballot. Because this platform is built from scratch and relatively small, we will have a unique opportunity to analyze user feedback at a micro level. The ability to create relationships with users on the platform helps us provide the best service possible.

In the beginning of this financial experiment, many people debate and question if virtual currencies could succeed "real" (or traditional) currencies. At a first glance, it appears possible. The execution of "transactions" is properly emulated. But still, it feels like something is missing. Why hasn't the world fully embraced virtual currencies? At first, I had the same naive notion that money is just numbers on a screen. But with time, I learned that it's a bit deeper and more complex than this. The foundation of a successful currency (in this context) is trust - convenient and indisputable trust. Aside from coding, the following conditions must also be considered when creating a currency:

A currency's value is much more than numbers. It depends on the resources behind the numbers. Support and security will always be the highest priority with the Nirodium project. Although we are a small group, all resources at our disposal will be utilized to their full potential. Furthermore, we hope this project inspires others to participate in this space - regardless if you're a professional or an amateur. Different ideas, interpretations, and perspectives are valued. It is important that we continue to include the contributions of others and encourage diversity.

Currency Specifications

Name: Nirodium [NRDI]
Algorithm: Quark / PoSe
Supply Limit: 33,600,000 NRDI
Masternode: 5,000 NRDI
P2P Port: 61100
RPC Port: 61101
Premine: 17,500,000 NRDI
Swap Rate: 1 NRDI : 40 NBR(cryptonote)


April 2021
  • Launch Nirodium desktop applications
  • Initiate swap with NBR holders
May 2021
  • Enroll/partner with an exchange
July 2021
  • Begin deploying mobile apps (Android / iOS)
  • Begin reconstructing ATM for Nirodium support
Late 2021
  • Redesign portal website :-) (I know the current design is simplified, but I've been very busy assembling other resources for the platform)
  • Launch ATM (finally)

Desktop Wallets

Mobile Wallets


Other Resources
